Don't Get Caught Unprepared: Essential Equipment for Winter Driving

vehicle in the snow

Welcome to Vulcan Towing's Guide to Roadside Safety Equipment for Winter Emergencies! As a towing company based in Anchorage, Alaska, we know firsthand how important it is to be prepared for anything the winter weather can throw your way. In this article, we'll go over the essential equipment you should have in your car for roadside emergencies in the cold winter state of Alaska.

First and foremost, it's essential to have a winter emergency kit in your car. This kit should include a blanket, warm clothing, food, and water, a first aid kit, and a flashlight. But in addition to these basic supplies, a few pieces of roadside safety equipment can be especially helpful in the winter.

The first item on our list is a good-quality ice scraper. If you live in Alaska, you know just how important this little tool can be. Not only can it clear your windshield and windows of ice and snow, but it can also help you clear a path around your tires if you get stuck in the snow.

Another essential item for winter driving is a set of tire chains. Tire chains can provide much-needed traction in snowy or icy conditions and help you get moving if you're stuck. Practice installing your tire chains before you hit the road, so you can do it quickly and easily if needed.

A portable jump starter is also an excellent item to have in your winter emergency kit. Cold weather can be tough on car batteries, and a jump starter can help you get your car running again if your battery dies. Look for a jump starter that is small enough to fit in your glove box but powerful enough to jump-start your vehicle.

In addition to these items, we recommend having a small bag of sand or kitty litter in your car. If you get stuck in the snow, you can spread the sand or kitty litter around your tires for added traction. A small shovel can also help clear snow away from your tires.

Finally, having a set of reflective triangles or flares in your car is a good idea. If you're stuck on the side of the road, these items can help alert other drivers to your presence and keep you safe.

Of course, the best way to stay safe on the road in the winter is to avoid getting stuck in the first place. Ensure your car is in good working condition, with plenty of gas, oil, and antifreeze. Check the weather forecast before you leave, and avoid driving in snowy or icy conditions if possible.

If you do find yourself stuck in the snow and unable to get out, don't panic. Stay in your car and call for help. Vulcan Towing is always here to lend a hand. The key to staying safe on the road in the winter is to be prepared. Make sure you have a winter emergency kit in your car at all times, and consider adding some of the items on this list to your gear. And if you do find yourself stuck in the snow, remember that Vulcan Towing is just a phone call away. Stay safe out there!


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